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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

When I Get Excited (yet cheesy)

It’s been a long time I don’t write anything here hehe. I'm so busy. (or pretend to be busy?)
But, seriously, I'm always in the middle of deadlines and meetings and so-called me times. During me-time, I always avoid computers. Always. Because it reminds me of assignments. Damn you.
In fact, while I'm trying to write this, I also do my Consumer Behavior assignment.

Anywaaay, I'm here now to tell you a great story of mine happened 4 days ago. I'm still excited about the moment and trying not to smile ear to ear, like for no reason haha :D

I just got one thing in my bucket list done.
For free.
Sounds like a miracle, eh? I believe God hears me and also the universe tried to make it happen because I always have this imagination in my mind. Daydreaming is okay, guys :p

I was working on my Int'l Marketing Management Assignment in campus library with my friends. See? Assignments? Never be able to get rid of that. They're always follow me whereever I go. Since I'm a student haha
It was Tuesday and I guess I had enough of my routines. Until I read someone's twit on my twitter timeline said that he's on Asia tour from Japan, Korea, and by the time he tweeted that he was in Manila, and after done the gig there, then it's off to Indonesia.

Wait. Indonesia?
My heart stopped beating. Okay this is sounds cheesy. But yeah, I did feel the shock. Hahaha

Then, I click on his twitter account. He retweeted a twit from one famous radio station in Jogjakarta.
I got curiouser. Gue kan tinggal di Jogja. Gimana gak ketar-ketir coba?
@swaragamafm: Kamu bisa liat live performance dari & di launching Flashy Distro tanggal 17-11-12 di Jalan Cendrawasih No 8 YK
Nah. Saat gue baca twit itu adalah saat-saat dimana gue merasakan kalo detak jantung gue went like rollercoaster. Fast and like, uncontrollable. Sorry for this dramatic moment. But, yes, I felt that.

I screamed in silent with my mouth open and my face went so cheerful all of sudden. My friends were confused and curious, they laughed at me hahaha. So I told them what I just saw. They didn't understand who I was talking about. So I texted my friend to accompany me to the gig at November 17th. She said, okay. What a great friend I have hehe. Thank God :) Semoga dia gak cengangas-cengenges baca blog gue ini. Gue sms dia soalnya kenapa, karena di Jogja gue ngerasa cuman dia aja (selain temen gue satu lagi di ISI, entah jarang ketemu huhu) yang gue kenal yang selera musiknya sebelas-dua belas sama gue a.k.a gak jauh beda hahaha X))

Rencana udah mantep banget nih.
Eh ternyata, temen gue satu lagi yang kuliah di Maranatha Bandung lagi pulang ke Jogja, ngajakin main. Nah, sekalian aja gue ajak ke acara yang sama. Kebetulan, doi juga nyerempet-nyerempet lah selera musiknya hehe secara kita kalo nonton Maliq & D'essentials, Barry Likumahuwa Project, RAN, Soulvibe, dan acara musik seru lain yang layak ditonton pasti bareng kita berdua, kadang kita bertiga sambangi. I love you lah Mak :p
Makin mantep.

Jeng-jeng. I decided to wear my white long sleeve tee. Why? Itu baju kebangsaan gue setiap nonton konser, acara musik (choir, piano recital, etc). Secara setiap gue pake baju itu, selalu ada aja kejadian yang memorable hehe. Entah itu karena gue yang pecicilan atau memang baju itu ditakdirkan untuk menjadi saksi bisu my memorable moments. *ciye ah*

Acaranya sih jam 7 tapi kita selalu inget satu pedoman hidup di Indonesia, apalagi di Jogja, sodara-sodara: Jam 7 artinya adalah jam 7 lewat. Jam 7 lewat 15 menit, lewat 30 menit, lewat 45 menit. Pokoknya jam 7 lewat. Artinya gak on-time.
Yaudah deh, gue dijemput Diana dan makan sore dulu di mall deket rumah. Asli deket rumah. 5 menit nyampe, jeung. Rumpi layaknya gadis-gadis seperti biasanya. Boong banget kalo cewek ketemu cewek gak rumpi. Betul? ;p
Jam 6.40 jemput Yoka kerumahnya dan jalan ramai lancar dengan sedikit macet dong sodara-sodara.

Jeng-jeng. Jam 7. 20
Sampe di depan parkiran distro, kita gak nemu stage secuil. Eh, ada mbak-mbak yang nyamperin kita.

Mbak (lupa nanya namanya): "Lagi ada launch distro Flashy baru loh. Masuk aja yuk. Ada free drinks and snacks juga. Ini nih ada penyanyi dai Malaysia sama Singapore juga."
Gue: "Ooh.. Ada Charlie Lim kan ya?"
Mbak: "Ada kok. Tuh lagi perform.."
*anjrit kita telat*
Gue: "Ah makasih ya mbak!" *ngeloyor masuk ke distro*

Temen gue ngintilin dari belakang. Haduh, maafkan saya yang norak ini ya teman-teman :'(
Sampe di dalem, gue mblusak-mblusuk kerumunan orang (gak tahu padanan kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Nyelip-nyelip, mungkin ya?), Charlie was singing There Is No Love. And the only thing I did was gasping, my hands were shaking so hard that I couldn't take any pictures of him so I asked Yoka to capture some photos of him singing.


Honestly, if you can read my mind, you can feel the excitement. It's quite hard to write down the moment. It's like dream comes true. No, it is indeed dream comes true.

After sang the song he said "Terima kasih. :)" Hahaha how cute!
courtesy: flashy shop

He thanked to the guy who guide him to the trip in Jogja (if I'm not wrong) and after that he asked the audience to sing one of John Mayer famous song that Charlie once covered with Adam Katz, Clarity.

I sang along to the song and felt my feet groove to the beat. Bliss.

As the song ended and he went on the backstage, I took a glance at my friends and they gave me a code to catch up Charlie.

"Liyana Fizi's now on stage and I still don't know how to catch up with him.
The urge to talk to him is so huge." This kept me me insane as my friends encourage me to do so.

We bought his EP and merchandise (totebag and T-shirt) and as soon as possible we left the venue and found Mbak-yang-gue-lupa-tanya-namanya (anyway, Makasih banyak, Mbak :)), she said that Charlie is nice and friendly, "Go talk to him, he is very nice." Gue tanya, tadi Charlie main berapa lagu? Katanya tiga lagu. Oke. Berarti gue ketinggalan 1 1/2 lagu. I assumed lagu pertama itu Pedestal.
Since, my friends and I don't know where Charlie was, Mbak ini nunjukkin kita connecting roomnya stage tadi, ternyata eh ternyata distro sebelah dong, bok.

Langsung lah, kita melesat ke situ. Gue dengan jantung yang beating faster like rollercoaster, asked mas-mas distro untuk minjemin spidolnya untuk-gak lain dan gak bukan-minta Charlie tandatanganin EP & totebag kita. I really did the relaxing breathe session with my hands up and down due to breathe-in breathe-out HAHAHAHAHA I WAS SO CHEESY! *oke, ini mulai gak nyante*

He was sitting alone. And I didn't know what he thought about. Doi bengong, bok. Kasian, dianggurin, gak ada yang ngajakin ngobrol, gitu? Heran. Itu pikiran gue saat itu. Sekarang juga sih. Hehe.

Gue: Charlie?
Charlie: *nengok, kayaknya doi kaget* Oh. Hi!
Gue: May I get your autograph on your EP and bag?
Charlie: Oh, it's okay. No problem. *He smiles, and please someone call 911!*
Gue: *nyodorin EP & totebags* I'm so glad that you're finally have gig here.
Charlie: Oh thank you so much. Thank you so much. *sambil tanda tangan EP & totebags. Doi bingung mau tanda tangan EP sebelah mana since yang gue sodorin itu ada tulisannya dan dia gak mau coret credit thanks itu. Akhirnya dia tanda tangan di pojok kanan atas credit thanks page*

It turned out, spidolnya bocor dan bikin kotor tangannya. Gue jadi gak enak. But, he was fine with it.

Gue: I've been waiting for 8 months to see your live performance here since I watched you on Channel News Asia AM Live! And Iwent straight to googling you and found your bandcamp, myspace, soundcloud, and youtube. You're awesome.
Charlie: Are you from Sing.. Oh, right you watched it here. Wow. Thank you so much.
Gue: Thank God, I can see your performance tonight. I hope your next album launch in Indonesia too so I can get your album because it's so hard to find your physical album here.
Charlie: Oh, is it? Thank you so much for your support. Thank you.
Gue: Thank you Charlie, for the time.Bye!
Charlie: Okay guys, thank you.

He looked pale and tired, but he still did our requests. He's nice.

Gue pernah sekali posting disini bahwa ada satu musisi yang bikin gue jatuh cinta dengan karyanya. Lagunya asik banget, suaranya apalagi. Jazzy yet husky voice. He's playing on neo-soul, funk, folkrock, jazz, R&B genre.
It's been a memorable moment ever. Eight months is quite fast to wait for something I've been craving for.


Thank you Charlie for introduce me to awesome music you've created.